Anawangin and Nagsasa Coves and Capones Island
One of the best places near Metro Manila are the coves and islands in Zambales, just 3 hours away from capital, but offering the best views, trekking and outdoor experience, camping and recently even beach huts for staying overnight more comfortable.
The best contact there is Mang Johnny, who owns several small boats and is always provides superb service, even invites you home in case you need it.
During the first visit in August 2013. With the help of mountain guide we crossed from The Pundaquit Beach accessible from nearby village San Antonio. After 5 hours trek up the river and then across the mountain saddle we descended to Anawangin Cove meeting a wild Carabao on the way.
That time there were just few huts offering some snacks, so we cooked the dinner and breakfast with Doi and since the weather was alright we could just sleep on the beach.Since the trek was very exhausting we decided to take a boat on the way back.
Second time I visited it was in December 2014 with my wife Anna and we went to Capones Island and took some picture on the hills and visited an abandoned lighthouse on the western side of the island and after that lazed around on the beach in Nagsasa Cove, which start to have more and more huts built.
The views from the hill above are amazing, We could have also explored the river banks on the other side of the Cove, but there was no time, because it was only 1-day trip.
The third time I visited with my parents in march 2015, we passed by underrated Camara Island which has quite nice beach to hang around and spectacular stone formations ending in white beaches.
I tried to do snorkeling in Capones Island, but the waters are rough and polluted from garbage from the beach, however there is plenty of marine life to enjoy underwater.
We headed to Anawangin Cove and just after 2 years it has changed so much, plenty of huts, fenced beach, wooden bridge across the river.
The place looks clear but has turned to a commercial resort, from a rather a nature and outdoor kind of place.
Nevertheless it is still amazing because of its nature and surrounding hills ending forest near beach and adorned with rocky cliffs.
One of the interesting experiences is also the landing of the small boat back in Capones Beach, which is exposed to Western Philippines Sea and has big waves, the boatman uses them to surf to the beach and large group of local fishermen would always assist to carry the boat away from the sea to safety.